22:17:15 - 29/10/2015
he Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility is a grant program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Facility focuses on improved and increased sustainable food production and more efficient use of water in agriculture. The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) is responsible for executing the program.
The Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility is a grant program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Facility focuses on improved and increased sustainable food production and more efficient use of water in agriculture. The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) is responsible for executing the program.
The G4AW Facility supports projects that will provide smallholder food producers (farmers, pastoralism and fishermen) with satellite information based products and services. Satellite-based information provides fast, timely and objective data that, once processed, can be used for user-tailored agricultural advices resulting in higher crop yields, water use efficiency, early warnings for drought/flooding/diseases, financial products (micro insurances), etc. Together with the rapid adoption of mobile phones in developing countries, millions of food producers in remote areas can be targeted with relevant agro-meteorological information services.
The ultimate goal is providing (smallholder) food producers in G4AW partner countries with information leading to:
VinaNed together with the partners have successfully being granted the subsidie by NSO for their GEODATA project in Vietnam 2015.