We are the authorized representative in western Europe of Vibigaba rice, produced by the LT Group from Vietnam.
The 4 main characteristics of our product are:
* Consuming Vibigaba rice as a part of your meal contributes to suppressing the rise of glucose in your blood after that meal.
* Vibigaba rice contributes to maintaining a normal level of bloodpressure.
* Vibigaba rice contributes to maintaining a normal level of cholestorol within your blood.
* Vibigaba rice contributes, as part of energy restricted diet, tot the loss of weight.
These are the 4 main characteristics of our products, products that can be used to produce noodles as well, for those that prefer noodles over rice. Our products also comply with the high standards of quality in Japan, and because of this the LT Group is the only Vietnamese company with an export permit for rice to Japan.
Furthermore LT Group is a partner of the SRP ( http://www.sustainablerice.org/partner.html), an international cooperation between rice producing and trading companies, who do so in a sustainable manner.
If you are interested in our product offering please let us know, so we can discuss this in more detail with one another.
Introduce of Loc Troi Group - English sub
Introduce of Loc Troi Group - Japanese sub